18 September 2024
A Candle for the Devil (1973)
83 min.
Directed by Eugenio Martin.
With Judy Geeson, Blanca Estrada, Lone Fleming, Charley Pineiro, Víctor Alcázar, Aurora Bautista, Esperanza Roy.
Saucy Spanish splatter from the director of 1972's Horror Express.

Cute Laura (Geeson) is scheduled to meet her sister May at a remote village inn, but once there discovers her sibling has disappeared. Seems the two middle aged sisters that run the strict pension have murdered May because of her loose morals, and are keeping her body tucked neatly away in a jar. Soon, the innkeepers show other tourist girls a similar fate...by knife, by axe, by cleaver.

Good performances throughout (Bautista steals the show as Marta), bolstered by some well handled suspense and a cleverly timed finale with Geeson vs. the demented duo.

Watch out for stray eyeballs in your soup...

Spanish title: Una Vela para el diablo. Also known as It Happened at Nightmare Inn. Worth seeking out.

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