21 October 2024
Two Evil Eyes (1990)
120 min.
Directed by George Romero and Dario Argento.
With Adrienne Barbeau, Harvey Keitel, Madeline Potter, Ramy Zada, John Amos, E. G. Marshall, Sally Kirkland, Martin Balsam, Kim Hunter, Tom Atkins, Bingo O'Malley, Tom Savini.
Friends George Romero and Dario Argento teamed up for this tribute to Edgar Allen Poe.

Romero tackles The Facts In The Case Of Mr. Valdemar, in which scheming adulteress Adrienne Barbeau and her lover try to milk the riches from her dying husband.

They succeed, but then the zombified man comes back for revenge! Easy to see why this appealed to Romero.

Argento's story is slightly better.

The Black Cat stars Harvey Keitel as a photographer who enjoys shooting violent deaths.

He kills his mistress and seals her behind a wall with a cat he is afraid of. What's later discovered behind that wall might make you lose your lunch.

The director's stylish touches are a big plus, and for once we don't have to worry about any confusing storytelling...since this is Poe's story all the way.

Uneven, Two Evil Eyes never hits all the marks it could, but it's nonetheless a solid effort which will appeal to genre lovers.

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