21 October 2024
Photo of Gioia (1987)
97 min.
Directed by Lamberto Bava.
With Serena Grandi, Daria Nicolodi, Vanni Corbellini, David Brandon.
Just slightly above average horror offering from Lamberto Bava.

Models at a nude magazine are being offed in ghastly ways by a murderer who then photographs his corpses in posed shots and sends them in for publication.

Sheesh. Talk about your difficult submission guidelines!

Since her own career photos serve as the backdrop for the psycho's artwork, the mag's publisher (beautiful, big-busomed Grandi) fears she may be next on the list.

Good work from director Bava, Jr., interesting murderer POVs.....and that cray-zay killer bee death!

The supporting cast includes Dario Argento's former squeeze Nicolodi.

It can't compete with Lamberto's earlier efforts like A Blade in the Dark or Macabro, but then again you could do far worse with other late '80s Italian horror efforts.

Also known as Delirium.

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