21 October 2024
Mountaintop Motel Massacre (1983)
96 min.
Directed by Jim McCullough Sr.
With Bill Thurman, Anna Chappell, Will Mitchel, Virginia Loridens, Major Brock, James Bradford, Amy Hill, Marian Jones, Gregg Brazzel, Jill King.
Not as bad as you may think. And certainly not as atrocious as you may have heard.

Freshly released from an insane asylum, poor Evelyn Chambers (Chappell) returns home to manage her mountaintop motel.

But when guests begin to check in from the pouring rainstorm, well, let's just say it's clear Evelyn's not fully recovered yet...

The PSYCHO-esque storyline is given good heft by the creepy locale and brooding atmosphere. And the trapdoor logistics of Evelyn's night of terror is a nice touch.

Not at all a comedy as marketed, nevertheless this minor effort isn't without a few brief moments of charm.

Just watch out for falling sickles.

Also known as Mountain Top Motel.

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