17 September 2024
Love Me Deadly (1972)
95 min.
Directed by Jacques Lacerte.
With Mary Wilcox, Lyle Waggoner, Christopher Stone, Timothy Scott, William Quinn, Barbra Rae, Michael Pardue, Bruce Adams, Dassa Cates, Edith Sills, Terri Anne Duvalis.
Ah, dead love. There's nothing like it.

Young, blond, lively and attractive, Lindsay (Wilcox) enjoys the company and pleasures of men...only, they're all embalmed corpses.

When the closeted necrophiliac meets handsome (& non necrophiliac) Waggoner, can the two find a way for their mixed marriage to work?

This is one crazy-perverse-offbeat-bizarre horror...and yet it somehow holds together, thanks to an early '70s grindhouse mood and a surprisingly sympathetic performance from the tortured Wilcox.

The rough death scene of a nude male prostitute on a mortician's table (don't ask) packs quite a wallop, while the downbeat depressing ending truly disturbs.

Plus, it's got a cool original ballad theme (titled "Love Me Deadly," what else?).

On the whole, worth seeking out.

Also known as Secrets of the Death Room.

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