21 October 2024
Drive-In Massacre (1976)
78 min.
Directed by Stuart Segall.
With Jake Barnes, Adam Lawrence, Douglas Gudbye, Verkina Flower, Newton Naushaus, Catherine Barkley, Norman Sherlock, John Alderman, Valdesta.
With high hopes in our hearts for this pre-Halloween slasher effort, we sat down to view this rather nondescript low budgeter.

Our hearts were let down.

The plot centers around two (extremely laid back, low key) cops who are on a search to find a serial killer who's been stalking a rural California drive-in theatre...killing helpless patrons with a sword.

Sound good? It's not. Unfortunately, one or two passable murder scenes can't redeem this appallingly bad film.

Drive-In Massacre can't overcome the setbacks of its typical low budget ingredients: limp acting, poor pacing and inept direction, this one doesn't have much going for it.

Seeing it back in an actual drive-in (those good old days) might prove amusing, however.

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