21 October 2024
Double Face (1969)
84 min.
Directed by Riccardo Freda.
With Klaus Kinski, Annabella Incontrera, Sidney Chaplin, Kristiane Kruger, Gunther Stoll, Barbara Nelli, Gastone Pescucci, Claudio Trionfi, Luciano Spadoni, Carlo Marcolini, Ignazio Dolci.
Italian thriller has Kinski's wealthy and beautiful wife Incontrera seemingly more in touch with lesbian chic than with her husband.

When her car is tampered with and an accident causes her death, Kinski cannot be at peace.

He begins to imagine his dead wife about town, masked in black and flirting in pornos.

But is she dead or is she still alive, hiding from him? Is she horribly disfigured?

The rather typical ending still manages to hold its own.

Also known as A Doppia Faccia.

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