Cry for the Strangers (1982)
| 100 min.
| Directed by Peter Medak.
| With Patrick Duffy, Cindy Pickett, Lawrence Pressman, Brian Keith, Claire Malis, Robin Ignico, Shawn Carson, Jeff Corey, Taylor Lacher, Parley Baer, Anita Dangler, Martin Kove.
| In this overripe made-for-television thriller, Brad Russell (Duffy) is a psychiatrist who moves to a small town on the Pacific coast with his wife Elaine (Pickett).
Soon after, the good doctor comes into contact with a former young patient (Carson) who seems to have a link to the world of the supernatural...and could be the key to the mysterious deaths involving newcomers to the village.
Raging thunderstorms, Indian ghosts, lots of silly melodrama, and a lack of overall subtlety sink this one. Duffy (slumming from Dallas?) sleepwalks through his role, child actor Carson is completely unconvincing, and Brian Keith - who should have known better - is reduced to Kabuki histrionics by the film's ludicrous end.
It would have been wise for director Medak to go back and re-watch his earlier The Changeling for a quick study on how to properly handle this kind of subject matter. Even the nice beach community setting can't save this misfire.